Asterfusion Enterprise SONiC NOS Support EVPN Mutihoming
Asterfusion has had great communication with its customers and has noticed their strong demand for EVPN mutihoming in their network overlay solution. While developing the overlay network has been a priority, open-source solutions have been delayed. Unfortunately, virtualization in the SONiC community has also been slower than expected despite the increasing demand. Even other white box manufacturers rarely support this feature. However, in Q2, Asterfusion SONiC Enterprise distribution - AsterNOS 3.1-R0314P06.2 version already supports EVPN mutihoming, which has enabled this function to successfully run on the data center switch of our CX-N. Today we'll show you how crucial this function is in the data center.
EVPN Multi-Homing is a technology that leverages multiple physical links and IP addresses to achieve redundancy and load balancing in a data center network built using Ethernet VPN (EVPN) technology. With EVPN Multi-Homing, each user can connect to the network via multiple physical links, even from different switches, ensuring uninterrupted network connectivity in case of link or device failure. Besides, load balancing can distribute network traffic to multiple links simultaneously and optimize network performance and efficiency. And as EVPN Multi-Homing allows for diversification and redundancy of security policies, it delivers improved network security.
Why do we need EVPN Multi-Homing?
In VXLAN network overlay scenarios, dual homing connecting servers with dual NICs to the VXLAN network can improve reliability and avoid service interruption when one of the server NICs fails. Additionally, administrators want to prevent waste of NIC and link bandwidth resources. The ideal approach is forwarding traffic through both NICs simultaneously, enabling dual-active connections and leveraging full NIC and network bandwidth resources. The current active-active solution relies on a virtualized setup, creating a single device for two access devices that are dual-homed to servers. Both devices use the same VTEP, leading to remote devices connecting to the VXLAN network through a logical device.
However, the Mc-LAG dual-active access reliability solution adopted is not without its flaws. Firstly, access to VXLAN with MC-LAG is not a universally recognized EVPN multi-homing solution and may result in compatibility issues between devices from different vendors. Secondly, MC-LAG requires physical connections between active-active devices and can neither expand to multi-homing and multi-active nor meet scalability demands. In contrast, EVPN Multi-Homing is a VXLAN gateway multi-homing and multi-active solution that adheres to the RFC standard. Multiple VTEPs form a backup group, solving network disruption caused by VTEP single point failure and allowing for traffic load sharing. This remedy addresses the deficiencies of MC-LAG solutions and bolsters VXLAN access reliability. Furthermore, this solution eliminates the need to establish Peer link or inter-switch links between TOR switches, allows more than two TOR switches to form a redundant group, provides a single BGP-EVPN control plane, and allows for multi-vendor interoperability.
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