What is 400G network ?
Network carriers constantly face bandwidth challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased network traffic over the past three years. For instance, 400G Ethernet has emerged as the top technology since 2020, according to Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) and various network forecast reports. AT&T predicts a five-fold increase in network traffic over the next five years, with users consuming an average of 4.5TB (Terabytes) of data per person. This tremendous growth in traffic is fueled by increasing video streaming, cloud computing, data centers, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the ever-growing number of IoT devices. In essence, 400G Ethernet will surpass 100G and 200G deployments more rapidly than 100G did for previous Ethernet technologies. What exactly is 400G Ethernet? 400G Ethernet, or 400 Gigabit Ethernet, represents the latest generation of cloud infrastructure and is four times faster than its predecessor, the 100G standard. Also known as ...