Asterfusion has announced the availability of an official Ansible plugin for its Enterprise SONiC NOS.
Asterfusion, a leading provider of ope network solutions, has announced the availability of an official Ansible plugin for its Enterprise SONiC NOS. By integrating AsterNOS with the Ansible platform, Asterfusion’s SONiC software allows O&M engineers to more easily embrace NetDevOps. This is done through the use of modules that can be added to the system via a network connection. These modules can be called directly from the “Playbook”, eliminating the need for tedious custom development. By doing this, O&M engineers can focus more on the underlying networks instead of having to pay attention to the configuration scripts interfaces. This makes O&M much more efficient overall. What Is NetDevOps Enhancing the efficiency of daily management, operations and maintenance by leveraging commercial solutions and open-source tools increases the effectiveness of net ops and maintenance personnel's process and methodology called NetDevOps. This increases the automation in their op...