What is SmartNIC?
When smartphone appeared 15 years ago, it changed mobile communication completely . Today, smart network interface card ( SmartNIC ) is setting off a similar revolution in the data center.However, what is SmartNiC and How do you use it ? We will reveal it in this article. With the rapid development of cloud and virtualization technologies in data centers,the Open vSwitch (OVS) and various virtualization network functions implemented on X86 based on Kernel architecture already cannot guarantee forwarding performance and consume a lot of computing resources. Then, DPDK cam e along, and the performance was greatly improved, but the processing still relies on servers and standard network interface card (NIC) that weren’t optimized for data transmission, and there are still performance bottlenecks and the problem of occupying too much computing resources. The growth of CPU computing power couldn’t catch up with the growth of network transmission rate, the demand for...